Sunday, January 2, 2011

52 in Eleven

As a part of a New Year's resolution for 2010, I decided that I needed, and wanted, to read more books. Unlike many resolutions that came before it (including 2009's "No more drinking alcohol" - what 20-something woman planning her first ever trip overseas would ever think that was possible?), I managed to completely and totally succeed in my commitment. I didn't exactly quantify the "more," but I think I read something like a dozen novels and other full books in '09 while managing to devour about 30 in 2010. Tasty!

This year, I've decided on a few new resolutions that are geared toward reading's more difficult but still loveable life partner: writing. I have always wanted to become a better creative writer, but never felt like I had the time or will to take down my more enlightened thoughts, riveting experiences, and random musical stylings in a concrete written form. My goal is not necessarily to become a better writer as much as it is to take time to write more reflectively, and more frequently - and to write music & lyrics. The plan is threefold: Write daily (ish) in a journal, write music via my audio recorder, and write handwritten letters to friends, family, and people I've met along my life's way.

I couldn't imagine giving up my current penchant for reading anything and everything I can get my hands on. I am still sort of blown away at how I've developed my reading 'muscles' to the point where a book that might have required intense exertion for me to complete last year would now be as easy for me to breeze though as reading the news or a short article in terms of focus and effort. It's been a really exciting transformation. Like any muscle, though, my reading cravings/ability could get pathetic and weak over time if I don't do my cover-bending exercises. So, I've created this blog to document my side project (no longer a resolution) of reading 52 books in 2011!

Maybe I'll do some short reviews. Some poetry. Some images. I just want to do something to document these efforts that won't leave my wrists all sore like that first journal page just did. Must stretch that muscle!

PS: One of my favourite video bloggers, Frezned, has proposed that we abandon the "twenty" at the beginning of this new year in favour of simply calling 2011 'eleven.' I concur - Pass it on!